
1. What kind of activities can you do only in space and not on earth?
2. What happens when you suddenly open the door of the Space Station?
3. How do you drink water?
4. What kind of activities are much more difficult to do in space than on earth?
5. In what position do you sleep at night?
6. What is your favorite space food?
7. Which do you like better? Normal earth food or space food?
8. Why did you become an astronaut?
9. Can you use electricity on board?
10. Can you see the sun from the station?
11. How do you feel floating in Space Station?
12. Have you ever spilled water and tried to drink it?
13. What is the most beautiful star in space?
14. How many parsons can stay at the Space Station?
15. How many times have you been to space?
16. How did you feel on your first trip to space?
17. What does space mean to you?
18. What on earth can be seen from the station?
19. The earth is said to be blue. What kind of blue is it?
20. Have you ever seen a meteorite?
21. Do you sweat in space?
22. To what kind of music do you listen at the station?
23. Can you take animals to space?
24. Have you seen a black hole?
25. May it happen that a meteorite hits the Space Station?
26. Have you ever seen an alien?
